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The Effects Of A Negative Self-Belief

By Emmanuel van der Meulen

"Factor-x" believes you are in some kind of danger. When we were very young, possibly still at the toddler stage, we took on a certain self-belief. If the self-belief was negative, it was taken on as a survival mechanism against our environment. Factor-x is a child version of yourself - it is not the enemy.

Each of our Factor-x's wants to protect us from the world. But that child's mentality is that of, say, a three-year-old, wanting to protect the older person, you, by now possibly an adult, a grownup with children, or even a grandparent. That child obviously doesn't have the skills or maturity to do so, and is stuck in a figment of our imagination, not at all useful or helpful. In fact, quite the opposite. That child is, in most cases, steering us down paths we likely don't want to go down. Paths we don't even like.

It doesn't know any better. We don't know any better. So it's best we don't fight that part of ourselves and merely take it along on our journey, pointing out, accompanying and guiding it and ourselves along the way, sincerely, gently, with care and attention.

Once we see our Factor-x in this light, it might be easier to navigate our life without letting it get in our way. By accompanying that part of ourselves with care and attention, we are in a position to heal that child: to heal our Factor-x. As we heal it, it will likely grow up and accompany us with less and less interference in the sense of wanting to protect us. But keep in mind it is an immature child wanting to protect us, and that we created it at the time from a figment of our imagination.

It wants to do good. It wants to serve us. It is there for those purposes. But it doesn't have the tools. It is ineffectual. It isn't conducive. It is non-serving. Since it is a manifestation of our fear to be ourselves, it's counterproductive in its endeavors to protect and serve us. In fact, it's way off target. And for humankind, our collective Factor-x is, in essence, the creator of all the destruction we experience in and around us. Factor-x is not the enemy, but it wreaks havoc as if it were.

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